Tuesday 22 June 2010

If in doubt, disclose

When taking the decision to buy any type of protection policy, you do so to gain the peace of mind that, should something happen, your income or your family will be covered. However, we are continually hearing that policy providers find ways to turn down claims - and always this happens just when the people concerned needed the money most. So why would a provider turn down a claim? The primary reason will be that the insurer finds some incorrect, missing or incomplete information on the original application forms. This is called 'non-disclosure' and examples include details such as claiming to be a non-smoker, reducing your weight significantly, not checking the status of a dangerous hobby (sailing, skiing or maybe even horseriding) or simply not owning up to an existing medical condition, even if you thought at the time it was irrelevant. If such details are uncovered, they can make any policy you thought you bought in good faith, completely invalid. For this reason, particularly for any sickness related plans (eg: critical illness or income protection), it is sensible to seek Independent advice. Such plans may all carry the same name but the conditions they cover and the exact definitions they use for those conditions can vary widely. Covering yourself against any unforseen circumstance can appear to be an expensive business when you first start the conversation. It is therefore absolutely vital that you get the type of cover right - and don't give your insurer any reason to be able to get out of your claim should you ever have reason to need it.