Tuesday 22 June 2010

Emergency Budget Snapshot 2010

The Chancellor has announced today the Coalition Government’s first Budget.
This is not intended as an in-depth analysis of the Budget speech (we will leave that to the real experts) but we hope this quick snapshot helps you gain a quick grasp on the key points:

VAT to increase to 20% from 4 January. Current zero-rated items to remain exempt for whole of current Parliament.
CGT to increase for higher-rate taxpayers to 28% from 23 June 2010. CGT to remain 18% for basic-rate taxpayers and the CGT tax-free allowance to remain £10,100 this year.
The CGT entrepreneurs rate of 10% to be extended to the first £5 million of lifetime gains.
Personal income tax allowance to be increased by £1,000 in April 2011 to £7,475. Higher rate threshold to remain frozen until 2013.
The April 2011 introduction of taper on higher rate tax relief on pension contributions by high earners to be reviewed.
Insurance premium tax to be increased from 2011. Higher rate to be 20%, standard rate 6%.
Councils that propose low council tax increases to be offered additional funds to allow them to freeze the tax for one year from April 2011.

State benefits and pensions
Benefits, tax credits and public service pensions to be increased in line with CPI rather than RPI from 2011.
Basic state pension to be linked to earnings from April 2011.
Pensions guaranteed to rise in line with earnings, prices or 2.5%, whichever is greatest.
The increase in the state pension age to 66 to be accelerated.
Child benefit to be frozen over the next three years.
Tax credits to be reduced for families earning over £40,000 from 2011.
Child element of the child tax credit to be increased by £150 above indexation in 2011.
Sure start maternity grant to go to the first child only.
Cap on housing benefit to be introduced - from £280 a week for a one-bedroom property to £400 a week for four bedrooms or larger.
Medical assessment for Disability Living Allowance to be introduced from 2013 for new and existing claimants.

Corporation tax to be cut to 27% in 2011 and by 1% a year over the following three years to 24%.
Small companies rate to be cut to 20% in 2011.
Employer’s NI threshold to increase by £21 a week above indexation in April 2011.
Tax relief for video games industry to be scrapped.
Bank levy to be introduced in January 2011 to apply to balance sheets of UK banks and building societies and UK operations of foreign banks.

No increases in fuel, alcohol and tobacco duties.
Planned increase to duty on cider by 10% above inflation reversed.

Public sector pay
Two year public sector pay freeze to be introduced on staff earning more than £21,000.
People earning less than £21,000 to receive a flat pay rise worth £250 in each of the two years.

Planned landline tax to be scrapped.